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Book Giveaway on Goodreads


 Check out Near to the Knuckle a UK website for gritty fiction for excerpts from Lincoln park and my new novel in progress Slammin'It.
Editorial Review.



          Excellent Thriller. You can tell straight away that the Author has a talent for writing. This was such an easy book to read, and very well written. I like that the story was set around what happened off the killing fields of the Vietnam War, and more on the streets of Saigon, with the greed corruption and murder. The story moves along at a good pace with plenty happening. With everything from CIA sanctioned killings, drug trafficking and violence. With pretty much everyone turning a blind eye, and making it hard for MP Captain Riley to do his job. You can't help but be pulled into this story. It's well worth a read.


- Net Galley

5 Star Review

​        Very well written and super interesting story. Its the bad buys vs. the good guys with soooo much grey area. Great plot, great flow and the story lines are tied up in a pretty little bow to end the book. Twisted, sadistic, graphic, eye opening, funny, sad and even romantic. The first scene is enough to get you into this writing and curious to know what's going on and what's going to happen next. The attention to detail and the way that detail is presented, it was like watching a movie rather than reading a book. Loved the names of the characters! A very enjoyable, quick and easy read. It will whisk you away to a foreign land, take you to a dark place/time in our history and then bring you home (especially if you're from Chicago) again. You will not regret reading this book and I'm looking forward to more to come.

5 Star review

     Lincoln Park was on my radar to purchase. Before being able to do so I received a copy as a birthday present. I had read the trailer and thought it would make for an interesting read. Two days later, hardly able to put it down, I had finished the book. The author utilizes a certain dialog to describe tales of bravery and horror, with characters intertwined that kept me on the edge of my seat. James Westergreen laid out a good background based upon good research in layman terms which I truly enjoyed!


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